If you’ve lost your job and are receiving Arbeitslosengeld-I (ALG I – or Unemployment Benefits I) in Germany, you might be entitled to a start-up grant (Gründungszuschuss) to help you transition into self-employment.

With Gründungszuschuss, you’ll receive an initial start-up grant for 6 months. How much subsidy you get depends on the amount of your unemployment benefits. The following applies:

If you’re currently receiving Arbeitslosengeld-II (ALG II – or Unemployment Benefits II) you might be eligible for state start-up funds called Einstiegsgeld, or ‘entry allowance’.

The level of support is also at the discretion of your local 'Jobcenter'. However, it can amount to no more than 50% of your Unemployment Benefits II.

Banks offer start-ups inexpensive loans that are backed by the European Union with guarantees to the banks. Because of this EU support, banks can offer lower interest rates on loans that finance self-employed workers just starting out.

GWR grants are non-repayable cash payments awarded to new businesses in Germany to offset initial set-up costs, promote research and development or help build a company’s workforce. GWR grants are only available to Gewerbe (not Freiberufler).

Whether you’re applying for government funding or financial support through bank or private loans, you’ll almost always be asked for a business plan. It’s wise to hire a consultant to look over your business plan and assess your business as a whole.

In our detailed guide to self-employed funding options in Germany, we provide you with up-to-date links to official English resources where you can drill down into specifics according to your individual business requirements.

Step 8. Set your prices right

Calculating prices is tricky, especially when you're just starting out in self-employment and don’t yet know all the costs associated with running a small business. But finding the pricing sweet spot early on will set your business up for success.

Freelancers, don't sell yourself short.