1. Get the job
  2. Create a contract and get it signed. Agree in the scope of work, who is the client and the service provider, what is the expected outcome, what are the delivery details, and payment terms (when, how much, where)
  3. Do amazing work 🚀
  4. If you decide to be a freelancer or self-employed, register with the Finanzamt
  5. Invoice
  6. Have a health insurance!
  7. Do your taxes properly!
  8. Enjoy 😊


Starting up as Self-Employed ("Freiberufler") | Handbook Germany

How to start self-employment in Germany – Freelancing guide (2021)


Sorted or Accountable can be a help to get started with taxes and Finanzamt matters.

If you want to upgrade your taxes to the next level, you can also use Kontist

All you can deduct

A guide to VAT for freelancers in Germany - Andrew Cross
